Floating Houses
Floating Houses
Floating Houses Bocas del Toro

It’s independence, it’s innovation, it’s living on the water… it’s your new FLOATING HOUSE!

Let’s face it, waterfront living isn’t becoming any cheaper or more abundant in Bocas del Toro, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way to experience waterfront living for a fraction of the cost and boat loads of freedom!

Out of this Floating House Movement emerges an adventurous global community seeking to connect with nature in new ways and be the pioneers of a unique lifestyle on the sea. They say it’s more comfortable than living on a sailboat, and still with the flexibility and freedom to relocate when you see fit. The Mata Mua units are currently parked in a Bastimentos Island bay.

And these units are floating sustainability, each solar powered and utilizing compost toilets. There is rain catchment with two 250 gallon storage tanks. When there is a drought, Ferry Bocas’ barge, the Mantaraya, offers residents fresh water delivery right to your floating door.

Ferry Bocas has over 30 years experience delivering quality maritime experiences for the community of Bocas del Toro and this company is the force behind the local Floating House Movement. There are currently two units for sale and new ones can be built in 3-4 months, with options of a floating front “yard” terrace.

Contact Alexei for more information and to book a viewing +507 6614-0515 / info@ferrybocas.com.

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