
For The Benefit of Bocas del Toro’s Youth: The Institute for Afro-descendant Excellence is Here

“If you don’t have a cultural identity, you don’t know who you are. You don’t know where you are going, or why you…


If They Can….  “Yo Puedo”

A camp designed to empower the spirits of local youth and promote their healthy development, reminding them of their value within society both…


El Club Rotario de Bocas del Toro en Acción

May 20th marked the first clean-up for El Club Rotario de Bocas


La Vida Solarte

Lovers of Mother Earth and those seeking to learn more about the Bocas del Toro rain forest flora and fauna are…


Introducing El Club Rotario de Bocas del Toro

On February 22, Buena Vista Restaurant hosted Bocas del Toro’s first Rotary Club meeting. Emily Talentino, Executive Director of Give &…


The Isla Carenero 5th grade students won themselves a classroom laptop!

  The 5th and 6th grade teachers ran a five-day science class educating students on Garbage and the…


More Women in the Waves!

by Martina Álvarez Marie Droz and Carenero’s surf community inspire local girls to surf and generate environmental awareness. On…


Give and Surf Karaoke For A Cause

Success!  On Saturday, October 13, Mamallena graciously hosted Give and Surf‘s Karaoke For A Cause fundraiser. 100%…