114 Years of Bocas del Toro: Soulful, Passionate and Proud People Marching on Bocas Day

(español abajo)
Another memorable Bocas day in the books as groups and groups and groups of soulful marching bands flocked to Isla Colon to strut their stuff and celebrate 114 years of rocking out on this little rock we call Bocas del Toro.
“It always seems to rain on Bocas day,” says Erigberto Singh, Bocatoreño born and raised and loving Bocas day since the 1970’s.
“The best thing was that it was pouring rain, wind blowing so hard and they were all still just jamming out. I was so impressed. Neon drums, throwing them high in the air and still jamming out in the rain,” Chad Hebert. Chad has spent 8 years in Panama, but spent most of his time in the city and is new to Bocas here helping Super Gourmet launch their new deli.
“And the attitude never changed. The bands just kept playing. So soulful. So into it- and even in the midst of the monsoon rain,” remembers Chad.
Chad had just returned from Panama City and had his truck on the Bocas ferry. He describes a scene of kids and adults with band equipment. Some from Panama City, others from the interior of the country some from the mainland province of Bocas del Toro and others from the Caribbean side of Costa Rica.
My favorite part about the marches is when the bass drum players throw their drums 15 feet over their head and catch them on beat while dancing and spinning as they march in unison down the street. Always impressive.
There is one thing that Bocas day attendees will agree that there is room for improvement: public restrooms. In years past there were port-o-potties available, but not this year and although an opportunity for businesses on the main street to earn extra income by lending their bathroom services, it proved to be a bit undesirable and unmanageable for some establishments. Businesses in the parade district of town are looking into solution for next year.
If you’ve never experienced Bocas Day, I highly recommend it. It is an island in the Caribbean, teeming with people celebrating a place that they so passionately love and are very proud to call home, from 5th generation Bocas people to Bocatoreños adoptados (adopted Bocatanians) who weren’t born here, but got here as fast as they could.
114 Años de Bocas del Toro: Conmovedor, Apasionado y Personas Orgullosas Marchando en el Día de Bocas
Otro día conmemorable del Día de Bocas fue registrado mientras grupos y grupos y más grupos de conmovedoras bandas llegaban en multitudes a Isla Colon para pavonear lo suyo y celebrar los 114 años de pasarla bien en esta pequeña islita que llamamos Bocas del Toro.
“Parece que siempre llueve el Día de Bocas,” dice Erigberto Singh, Bocatoreño de nacimiento y crianza y que ha amado el Día de Bocas desde los 1970’s.
“Lo mejor fue que estaba lloviendo muy duro, la brisa soplaba muy fuerte y aun así todos solo continuaban jamiando (tocando) sus instrumentos bajo la lluvia,” Chad Hebert. Chad ha estado 8 años en Panamá, pero paso la mayoría de su tiempo en la cuidad. Él es nuevo aquí en Bocas y está ayudando al Super Gourmet a inaugurar su nuevo deli.
“Y la actitud nunca cambió. Las bandas solo continuaban tocando. Tan conmovedor. Tan concentrados- y hasta en el medio del monzón de lluvia,” recuerda Chad.
Chad acababa de regresar de la Cuidad de Panamá y tenía su camioneta
Mi parte favorita de las marchas es cuando los que tocan el bombo tiran sus tambores a 15 pies por encima de sus cabezas y los atrapan al son de la música, bailan y dan vueltas. Todo esto mientras marchan por la calle. Siempre es impresionante.
Hay una cosa de la cual los que estuvieron
Si nunca has experimentado el Día de Bocas, yo altamente lo recomiendo. Es una isla en el Caribe repleto de personas celebrando un lugar que aman apasionadamente y del cual están muy orgullosos de llamar su hogar, desde la 5ta generación de personas de Bocas hasta los Bocatoreños adoptados que no nacieron aquí, pero si llegaron.

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