Now Available! “BANANA MAN: Peeling and Revealing, Life in the Tropics”

A message from Bocas del Toro historian, entomologist, banana man, a friend of The Bocas Breeze, Clyde Stephens:
“I am pleased to present BANANA MAN: Peeling and Revealing, Life in the Tropics. The complete work was too big to publish as one volume so it was divided into a series of three books: Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3. Besides my chapters, fourteen other guest writers contributed their stories about Life in the Tropics that are found in Book 1 and Book 2. Book 3 features a banana family, the Stargardters, which records their incredible lives in Europe and how they became banana people. Book 3 also records the challenging lives of German immigrants in Bocas del Toro, Chiriqui and other parts of Panama during two World Wars. At the beginning of the book, I was honored to have Dr. Stanley Heckadon-Moreno write the foreword.
These books are available in softcover and on Kindle and can be ordered at two locations:
1. Cecropia Press that offers an introductory price. Click on, then click on books/libros at the top left. Payment is made by PayPal. If you do not have an account, Paypal gives the option of paying with a card. Two other books that I released recently are also listed:
The History of Hospital Point and La Historia de Punta Hospital.
2. books. To find all three books together, search with: › Books-Clyde-S-Stephens
or easier:
Muchos saludos, Clyde Stephens, Claid Estivens”
UPDATE: Cecropia Press has released an unabridged special edition of “BANANA MAN: Peeling and Revealing, Life in the Tropics, which includes all three volumes in a single BIG book. You can find it available for purchase here:
Stay tuned for a special interview with Clyde Stephens by Bocas Breeze editor Nicholas Corea.

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One Comment
Hi and Hola dear Bocas Breeze. My name is JanWilliams and I want to ask you a favor? Do you still have a copy of the first edition of the Bocas Breeze.? I wrote the first article, and I would love to contribute again. Thoughts and memories and reflections.
Jan Williams,