More Women in the Waves!
by Martina Álvarez
Marie Droz and Carenero’s surf community inspire local girls to surf and generate environmental awareness.
On October 7th, the Carenero Surf Community gathered at Leaf Eater’s Café to premier the documentary by Marie Droz, the young female French–Panamanian surfer sponsored by Body Glove Latino. The movie was filmed by “Vampiro” Martinez and took place in some of best waves of Panama. Both Droz and Martinez were at the event to support the people of the island.
The premier’s objective was to get the Bocas del Toro community together (residents, locals, and tourists) inspiring more local girls to surf and be part of the line-up. “Surfing is not only a sport for men, we should get together to represent the girls in the water,” said Droz to all the Carenero girls at the event.
Surfboards were given away to boys and girls who are learning to surf. This was followed by a piñata full of candy for everyone.
Awareness of the importance to care for the beaches was generated. Children received explicit information on the impact of throwing trash on the ground and were encouraged to pick up the residues that they may find in the island.
It was a sunny day filled with smiles, the ocean and great vibes. Sweet jams from Olmedo Giraud (DJ Dillo) set the tone for the day. The event received support from Leaf Eaters, Give and Surf, Mono Loco Surf School, Escuela del Mar and Bibi´s on the Beach.
In times where women have a complicated role in this society, inspiring women to get into the ocean is to empower them. Encourage them to connect with nature, to get together and help them to understand that they are also capable.
Follow @carenerosurfcommunity to to find out more about the activities in the Carenero surf community.
Marie Droz and Carenero’s surf community inspire local girls to surf and generate environmental awareness.
On October 7th, the Carenero Surf Community gathered at Leaf Eater’s Café to premier the documentary by Marie Droz, the young female French–Panamanian surfer sponsored by Body Glove Latino. The movie was filmed by “Vampiro” Martinez and took place in some of best waves of Panama. Both Droz and Martinez were at the event to support the people of the island.
The premier’s objective was to get the Bocas del Toro community together (residents, locals, and tourists) inspiring more local girls to surf and be part of the line-up. “Surfing is not only a sport for men, we should get together to represent the girls in the water,” said Droz to all the Carenero girls at the event.
Surfboards were given away to boys and girls who are learning to surf. This was followed by a piñata full of candy for everyone.
Awareness of the importance to care for the beaches was generated. Children received explicit information on the impact of throwing trash on the ground and were encouraged to pick up the residues that they may find in the island.
It was a sunny day filled with smiles, the ocean and great vibes. Sweet jams from Olmedo Giraud (DJ Dillo) set the tone for the day. The event received support from Leaf Eaters, Give and Surf, Mono Loco Surf School, Escuela del Mar and Bibi´s on the Beach.
In times where women have a complicated role in this society, inspiring women to get into the ocean is to empower them. Encourage them to connect with nature, to get together and help them to understand that
they are also capable.
Follow @carenerosurfcommunity to to find out more about the activities in the Carenero surf community.
¡Mas Mujeres en Las Olas!
Por Martina Álvarez
La comunidad surfista de Carenero se reunió en Leaf Eaters para presentar la premier del documental de Marie Droz, con el objetivo inspirar a las niñas locales a surfear y generar conciencia sobre el medio ambiente.
Carenero Surf Community presentó en Leaf Eaters la premier del documental de Marie Droz, la joven surfista panameña – francesa, que está siendo patrocinada por Body Glove Latino. La película fue filmada por “Vampiro” Martinez y transcurre en algunas de las mejores olas de Panamá. Ambos asistieron al evento para apoyar a la gente de la isla.
El objetivo de la premier era no solamente reunir a la comunidad de Bocas del Toro (residentes, locales y turistas) sino también inspirar a las niñas locales a que cada vez sean más en las olas. “Surfear no es solamente un deporte para los hombres, deberíamos unirnos para representar a las chicas en el agua” dijo Marie a todas las chicas de Carenero que asistieron.
Además se realizó una entrega de tablas a niños y niñas que se están esforzando por aprender a surfear y no cuentan con los recursos para tener su propio surfboard, seguido por una piñata con dulces para todos.
Durante el evento también se buscó generar conciencia sobre el cuidado de las playas, explicando reiteradas veces a los niños la importancia de no tirar basura y de recoger los residuos que encuentren en la isla.
Fue un día soleado de muchas sonrisas, mar y buena energía que estuvo acompañado por la buena música de Olmedo Giraud (DJ Dillo). Alexis Rodríguez fue quien estuvo en la organización y convocatoria de la gente. Además, el evento fue apoyado por Leaf Eaters, Give and Surf, Mono Loco Surf School, Escuela del Mar y Bibi´s on the Beach.
En tiempos donde a la mujer tiene un papel complicado en la sociedad en la que vivimos, inspirar a las mujeres a que estén en el océano es empoderarlas. Animarlas a que conecten con la naturaleza, se unan y entiendan que ellas también pueden.
– Si quieres saber más sobre las actividades que realizan en Carenero Surf Community puedes seguir su cuenta de instagram @carenerosurfcommunity
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