El Club Rotario de Bocas del Toro en Acción

May 20th marked the first clean-up for El Club Rotario de Bocas del Toro at Playa Ismito. This is the beginning of regular clean-ups with the club. This one took a different spin on picking up trash and was a race! The teams were created: Blue Hornets, El Rejunte, El Kínder, Las Chinguenguenchas. They all weighed in separately coming up with 180 plastic bottles, 1,385 random items, a
wig, a stuffed animal and a volleyball. (It is rumored that the Blue Hornets won.) Following a heart-pumping race to a trash-filled finish, participants gathered at Chikita Beach for a fun and informative upcycling workshop making keychains from bottle caps with Carolina Lescure.
We do a lot of clean-ups here in Bocas and every contribution counts. Now Rotary is going a step further to increase awareness and learning by making it fun. And beyond fun, these clean-ups are aimed at giving people a personal experience with organized effort to create solutions and exposure to the creative choice of upcycling items.
Rotary International has a term for its members that are out there actively making a difference. They are People of Action and our Bocas rotarians are quickly embodying this philosophy. To learn more about the Rotary club here in Bocas, check out their Facebook page.

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