Dr. Orhan Kural Visits Bocas

Last month, Dr. Orhan Kural and five travelling companions visited Bocas del Toro. This is the first organized Turkish group to do so. Dr. Kural established the Turkish Travelers’ Club 13 years ago because of his love of travelling,…


The Lemongrass

Located in the center of Bocas del Toro above Starfleet Scuba, The Lemongrass Restaurant & Bar boasts one of the most unique dining experiences in Panama. The restaurant has been one of the most popular eateries on the island…



A native of England, forty-six-year-old Chris Grill was working as a machine mechanic in upstate New York when his dream began of taking a road less traveled. He says he can’t remember exactly what started it, but he recalls…


Bocas Sound Factory Radio Hits the Airwaves

You are now listening to the Bocas Sound Factory! That’s right, Bocas now has an on-line radio station, broadcasted from right here on Isla Colon for everyone on the inter webs to hear. Ken Davis is a music fanatic (especially…



When you open your eyes and look around you I believe that you can find heroes everywhere. They are every day champions who decide to put others before themselves and understand that service to others is the most rewarding…