The 5th Annual Bocas del Toro Regatta is Almost Here!

Save the date: Saturday, February 17, 2024…It’s time for the 5th annual Bocas del Toro Regatta! A message from Bocas del Toro Marina and Yacht Club:
As you know the 4th edition of the Regatta in February 2023 was as great success! We had more than 30 boats participating in the race and hundreds of viewers following the event. In the 5th edition we want make it even bigger and we are looking for more sponsors like you guys. It would be a pleasure to have your business involved. We are looking for giveaways to the race winners. Any gift cards, discounts, promotional banners, T-shirts would be great!
The regatta and sponsors will be promoted on local TV, website, YouTube, many YouTubers will be around, Facebook, local magazines and newspapers. Also, sponsors will have their logo on all our media and award ceremony.
The next regatta will be in February 17th, 2024. We chose this month because it’s just between the most important Caribbean Regattas dates. Also, this time of the year is when the most part of cruisers pass the Panama Canal to the Pacific side.
Please let me know if you can help us on this one and have another great event for the community!
Let’s make this destination sailing event bigger than ever in its 5th year! Get in touch with Bocas Marina to participate: or WhatsApp +507 6616-6000
Visit the official website:
Read some Bocas del Toro Regatta history:
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