The Foundation at Red Frog and its Renewing Commitment to Bocas del Toro

Originally established as The Red Frog Foundation in 2007, the Foundation has undergone significant changes, including a new name, a new logo, and an entirely new Board of Trustees. However, the Foundation’s mission remains the same: “To develop and complete community projects that promote self-help, environmental protection, cultural preservation, and sustainable improvements in public education and health throughout the province of Bocas del Toro, Republic of Panama.” The current Board of Trustees consists of unpaid volunteers whose reward is a love, respect, and appreciation for Panama and its people.
Since its “re-establishment” in 2016, the new Foundation at Red Frog has sought, developed, and sustained working relationships with other non-governmental agencies, charities, and community leaders that share our mission goals. As we look forward to furthering our mission, the Foundation at Red Frog continues to support The Darklands Foundation, Caribbean Coral Restoration, Bocas Recycling Center, and other initiatives driven by Unidos Por Bocas, Give and Surf, the Meals and More Program in conjunction with the Bocas Schools, and the Bocas Arts and Music Academy (BAMA), among others. In addition, the Foundation has provided “one-off” goodwill efforts in the local community. Some of the Foundation’s more recent accomplishments include, but are not limited to:
- Supporting Education Initiatives: Working with Emily Tarentino of Give and Surf, the Foundation has long provided scholarships for college and university students as well as funding for teachers and teacher’s aides. The Foundation continues to support Give and Surf’s various initiatives, including its summer camp and after-school programs.
- Promoting Vocational Training: Collaborating with Profesora Virginia Vasquez of Colegio Rogelio Josue Ibarra and Margo Carey of the Meals and More Program, the Foundation provides resources for purchasing food for several schools throughout the archipelago. Additionally, the Foundation has helped establish vocational programs at the Colegio. The first program, supported by over twenty sewing machines provided by the Foundation, teaches rudimentary sewing, tailoring, and re-upholstery skills. More recently, the Foundation purchased a variety of supplies for a sous-chef training program aimed at equipping individuals with skills needed in the growing restaurant and tourism industry.
- Environmental Sustainability: Partnering with David “Kiwi” Gillingham of Unidos por Bocas, the Foundation has long supported efforts to address the trash and garbage problem affecting Bocas Town and the entire province. Recently, the Foundation funded the newly established Bocas Recycling Center, purchasing a larger truck necessary for hauling recyclable materials and pavers manufactured at the Center. In conjunction with Give and Surf, the Foundation provided pavers for pathways to and around the schools at Bahia Honda and the Bocas Town Community Center.
- Providing Clean Water: Collaborating with Mathilde Grande of the Darklands Foundation, the Foundation at Red Frog funded the construction of a potable water system on Isla Popa. This system provides clean water to an indigenous village previously plagued by water-borne diseases. The system, which sustains itself through small fees, includes a solar-driven purification process that also provides internet access to the community. The Foundation also supports Darklands’ Bocas Seed Bank program, which helps indigenous communities grow food locally without needing to travel afar.
- Coral Restoration Efforts: Working with Doug Marcy of the Caribbean Coral Restoration Program, the Foundation provided resources for purchasing batteries used to generate coral spores for reintroduction into the local waters.
- Supporting the Arts: Collaborating with Larry Michael Robertson, the Foundation provided funds for purchasing ukuleles and supporting music instructors at the Bocas Arts and Music Academy (BAMA).
Moving forward, the Foundation at Red Frog remains dedicated to its mission and hopes to develop more enduring relationships with both the local communities and other nonprofit organizations in this special paradise.
If these community projects resonate with you, consider supporting The Foundation at Red Frog on their mission. Contact to see how you can get involved.
Learn more about about the organization on their website:

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