Isla Popa Christens Potable Water Station

Potable Water is a human right; and now it’s also reality in the indigenous outer island community of Popa Uno, on Popa Island, in Bocas del Toro, Panama. And what an appropriate time to champion a privately funded and community organized public water solution, coming off the heels of a serious public water crisis on the islands of Bocas del Toro.
On September 21, 2022, The Darklands Foundation officially inaugurated their Potable Water Station and Program for the community of Popa 1. This water is entirely potable; a rain catchment system that goes through three different filters.
The water is used by the community families to drink, cook, and bathe infants under 6 months old. Each family pays a $3 fee per month for 45 gallons of water. The money collected serves for maintenance and repairs. Building of the station has generated a $3,000 payroll for the community.
The station is powered by solar electric, which was installed by the Solar Mamas, a group of Ngäbe indigenous women solar engineers. In addition to providing potable water, the station is equipped with 18 USB ports for the community and students to be able to charge their phones, tablets, and laptops.

The “Solar Mamas” at work installing the solar panels for the potable water system in Isla Popa. See a photo of the Solar Mamas below.
“Our program provides sustainability and is aligned with our mission to ensure a circular economy for the communities in Bocas,” wrote The Darklands Foundation on a recent social media post.
This station and program was designed and organized by The Darklands Foundation, with the financial support of The Foundation at Red Frog.
“We would like to thank the entire community of Popa 1 for their partnership and Joyce McMillin and Rick Borden for their help and support. If you would like to financially support our next Potable Water Sation in Bocas del Toro, please send us a message!” – The Darklands Foundation on Facebook.

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Thank you The Bocas Breeze for highlighting our Potable Water Station!
An honor to report this news!